All Publications

Showing 291 - 300 of 560

Microinsurance Business Models

Examining microinsurance business models
Case Study

Third Party Administration in the Provision of In-patient Health Insurance: An Indian Case Study

Designing and implementing an insurance product accessible to the poor

Market for Microinsurance in Armenia: Low-Income Households Needs and Market Development Projections

Projecting the growth of Armenian microinsurance sector

Pre-Feasibility Analysis: Index-Based Weather Risk Transfer in Mali

Developing a market for index-based insurance products

Contract Design in Insurance Groups

How is contract design used to increase benefits from risk-sharing?

Making Insurance Markets Work for the Poor: Microinsurance Policy, Regulation and Supervision - Evidence from Five Country Case Studies

Suggesting guidelines for microinsurance development

Making Insurance Work for the Poor: 5th International Microinsurance Conference 2009

Proceedings of the “5th International Microinsurance Conference: Making Insurance Work for the Poor

Microinsurance that Works for Women: Making Gender-Sensitive Microinsurance Programs

Designing microinsurance to address women-specific risks

Microinsurance: Innovations in Low-cost Health Insurance

Evaluating outcomes of different health insurance schemes in India