All Publications

Showing 201 - 210 of 560

Enhancing Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Digital Cash Transfers - Digitize/Direct/Design: The D3 Criteria

Is digitizing cash transfer programs to poor women the answer to closing the gender gap?

Five Principles for Building Women's Capacity for Digital Financial Services

This publication introduces a set of five principles to support stakeholders in ensuring G2P programs are viable in terms of financial and operational efficiency.


Building Resilience in Burkina Faso: Longitudinal Assessment Results

Did a three-year initiative with women's savings groups achieve its aim of increasing resilience?
Case Study

Integrating Gender and Women's Financial Inclusion Into the Central Bank of Egypt's (CBE) Framework

Insights on a number of regulatory reforms to boost women’s financial inclusion

Gender Centrality of Mobile Financial Services in Bangladesh

The findings of this research are based on a qualitative survey with 76 respondents which aimed to make sense of how and why women use DFS and offer recommendations for policy and practice.


Partnering With the Private Sector to Extend Digital Financial Services to the Unbanked

How effective has digital been in promoting access to remittances and financial services?
Slide Deck

The Financial Agency of Women

Exploring behavioral archetypes in Kenya to understand barriers to digital financial services

Acquisition and Engagement Strategies to Reach Women With Digital Financial Services

Using behavioral and design techniques to remove barriers for low-income women

Enhancing Women’s Economic Empowerment Through Digital Cash Transfers: Digitize/Direct/Design (D3) Criteria - An Application to Tanzania

Diagnostic for Tanzania's national Productive Social Safety Net assistance program

The Economic Lives of Young Women in the Time of Ebola

Lessons from an Empowerment Program