All Publications

Showing 261 - 270 of 610

Uzbekistan: Law "On Microcredit Organizations"

Resolution of Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan governing microcredit organizations

Uzbekistan: Law "On Microfinancing"

Resolution of the Republic of Uzbekistan governing microfinance services
Guide / Toolkit

Legal & Regulatory Reform for Access to Finance: A Policy & Programming Tool

Determining a country's readiness for legal and regulatory reforms in the financial services market
Guide / Toolkit

Model Scope of Work: Legal and Regulatory Reform for Access to Finance Policy & Programming Toolkit

Is there need for a transparent microfinance policy environment?

Vietnam's New Law on Microfinance: On the Way to an Enabling Environment

Assessing the new decree issued for developing a sustainable and pro-poor microfinance in Vietnam

The Regulatory Reform Process for Microfinance in Armenia

Has reform of microfinance in Armenia helped to integrate it into the financial system?

Fiji Microfinance Policy Review

A snapshot of microfinance in Fiji

Background Paper on Microfinance Policy and Strategy

How to develop an effective policy and strategy for microfinance in Indonesia

Bank Indonesia Regulation Concerning Resolution of Customer Complaints

Resolution to guard the rights of customers in their dealings with banks

Bank Indonesia Regulation Concerning Transparency in Bank Product Information and Use of Customer Personal Data

Regulation clarifying benefits and risks attached to bank products, and protecting customer privacy