All Publications

Showing 4511 - 4520 of 9057

How Does Geographic Distance Affect Credit Market Access in Niger?

Does distance impose a risk on MFIs’ portfolio?

Impact and Implications of the Food Crisis on Microfinance

Role of microfinance stakeholders in coping with the food crisis

Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Microfinance

What can MFIs do to adapt to the global financial crisis?

Measuring Access to Financial Services in Kenya: Pretesting of Concepts

Investigating concepts related to financial services

Microfinance and Enterprise Development (MED): Effective Tools to Eradicate Poverty?

Speaker’'s Corner discussion synthesis, October 14–-16, 2008

Microfinance India: State of the Sector Report 2008

Overview of the latest developments in the microfinance sector

NGO MFI Transformations: Ownership Issues

Which areas should MFIs research and seek legal counsel on for institutional transformation?
Case Study

Partnering to Grow Poverty-focused Microfinance

Maintaining focus on poverty alleviation

Post-Crisis Microfinance: Literature Review

Summarizing research on microfinance in post-conflict and post-disaster environments