All Publications

Showing 2711 - 2720 of 9050

Can Basic Entrepreneurship Transform the Economic Lives of the Poor?

Can transfer of assets and skills enable the poorest women to shift into running small businesses

Can Self-Help Groups Really be Self-Help?

Discussing efficient approaches of delivering financial services to SHG members
Guide / Toolkit

Client Protection for Youth Clients: UNCDF-YouthStart Technical Note

Addressing the characteristics, needs and vulnerabilities of young clients

Cost of Delivering Rural Credit in India

Comparing total costs of rural credit delivery across various channels
Guide / Toolkit

Credit Risk Dashboard

Tool to visualize the existing credit risk exposure of the MFIs and trends across the loan portfolio

Guide to Microfinance in Latin America

Reflecting on lessons learned during the evolution of microfinance in Latin America

Having It All: Girls & Financial Literacy

Understanding the need for girls' financial literacy through a survey

Mapping Proximity: Bringing Products and Services Close Enough to the Poor to be Meaningfully Usable and Still Keep them Sustainable for WSBI Partner Banks

Identifying public settlements to enable financial service providers plan their expansion

Research Insight: The Microfinance Revolution in East Africa

Analyzing trends in the microfinance market in East African countries