All Publications

Showing 1331 - 1340 of 9043

State of Investment in Affordable Housing

Identifying opportunities and challenges to increase capital flow to the sector

Tanmeyah Members’ Performance Report Q3 2017

Profiles and performance results for the eight MFIs of the Jordan Microfinance Network

The 2016-17 State of Housing Microfinance: Understanding the Business Case for Housing Microfinance

Practical approaches for FSPs to address challenges and opportunities in the sector

The Landscape of Microinsurance in Latin America and the Caribbean 2017 - Preliminary Briefing Note

Analysis of the microinsurance sector with data from regulators and other secondary sources

Warehouse Receipt Financing in Pakistan

Assessing the status of this type of agricultural credit based on interviews with 23 organizations

Advancing Access to Digital Financial Services in Bangladesh: Regulatory Agenda

Six practical policy recommendations for regulators and policymakers

Blockchain: Opportunities for Private Enterprises in Emerging Markets

Examining the potential and perils of blockchain, with particular focus on financial sectors

Children and Finance: Consumer Protection and Security of Savings and Payments

Overview of recommendations, guidelines and best practices

Emerging Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policymakers’ Perspectives

Analyzing new trends and innovations in digital financial services