All Publications

Showing 81 - 90 of 9066

An Introduction to the Small Firm Diaries

The Small Firm Diaries is a global research initiative to better understand small firms in low-income neighborhoods of developing countries, especially the barriers to growth such firms face, through high frequency quantitative and qualitative data collection (“financial diaries”).


Carping Critics and the Microfinance Conundrum

Based on its recent impact assessment study of Cambodian microfinance, M-CRIL has written two advisory notes which examine the validity of some of the sensational international headlines and propose reform measures for the sector.

Guide / Toolkit

Green Essential Practices Report - Highlights of Good Green Practices

This report features a selection of exemplary green inclusive finance practices, and offers insights into the successes, the challenges faced by financial service providers and the solutions they found to design and implement their green strategy.


Positive Friction for Responsible Digital Lending: A Call to Action

This report explores how strategically adding friction to digital financial services can benefit both lenders and borrowers.


Rethinking Responsible Equity Exits: A Call to Action for Impact Investors

This paper is a call to action for all impact investors to ensure their exits uphold the values they have championed throughout their investments. It provides a roadmap of recommendations to help investors stay cool in hot markets, know when to exit responsibly and secure their impact. 


Scaling Parametric Insurance in Pacific Small Island Developing States Through Meso- Level Solutions

This publication focuses on promoting meso-level insurance products designed for development banks, microfinance institutions, provident/pension funds, associations, and cooperatives through the UNCDF-led Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme.


State of the Practice: Savings Group Linkages 2024

Based on interviews with 46 practitioners across various sectors, this report delineates the contemporary landscape of linkages between informal savings groups and formal financial services.


Supply-Side Gender Disaggregated Data for Advancing Financial Inclusion

This paper explores how supply-side gender-disaggregated data has been collected and used, mainly by financial sector authorities but also by providers, and the challenges and opportunities associated with this work.

Slide Deck

Understanding Customers in Environments of Severe Climate-Related Weather Events

This demand side study in Nigeria and Bangladesh aims to provide firsthand information about how vulnerable people build and lose resilience, as well as a close view of how they gather and spend funds to cope with a climate crisis.


What Win-Win Lost: Rethinking Microfinance Subsidy in the Past and Designing for the Future

This working paper calls for reclaiming the power and value of subsidy to accomplish policy goals in order for the future of social investment in microfinance to be more effective.