All Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 45

The Progress Out of Poverty Index: A Detailed Analysis of MFI Implementation

Providing recommendations to MFIs based on a review of the Progress Out of Poverty Index
Case Study

The Advance of Mobile Banking in Ecuador: Leveraging Shared, Industry-wide Infrastructure for Rural Financial Inclusion

Reducing barriers to financial inclusion and ensuring wider reach in Ecuador

The Financial Behavior of Rural Residents: Findings from Five Latin American Countries

Presenting insights into the financial behavior of rural residents in Latin America

Gender Policy and Practice: Self-Assessments of Microfinance and Enterprise Development Organizations in Latin America

Examining MFI's commitment to gender equity and women's empowerment

Strengths, Weaknesses and Evolution of the Peace Corps' 11-Year-Old Savings Group Program in Ecuador

Highlighting improvements to microfinance programs

Financial Crisis: Lessons from Microfinance

Analyzing impact of financial crisis on microfinance

How Enabling is the Latin American Environment for Mobile Money?

Examining regulatory environment for mobile money in Latin America
Guide / Toolkit

A Simple Poverty Scorecard for Ecuador

Presenting a poverty score card to estimate and track changes in poverty rates over time in Ecuador

Is there a Link between Quality of Employment and Indebtedness? The Case of Urban Low-income Households in Ecuador

Exploring risks associated with growing informalization of employment
Case Study

Case of the “Jardín Azuayo” Savings and Loan Cooperative, Ecuador: A Governance Model for Rural Outreach

Demonstrating operational efficiency through decentralized governance structures