All Publications

Showing 8941 - 8950 of 9041

Ethiopia: Licensing and Supervision of Banking Business Directives

A directive containing provisions governing the licensing and supervision of banking business

Finance in Context: Exploring Diverse Exchange Conditions

Assumptions that hinder accurate representation of the financial situation.

From Cheap Credit to Easy Money: How to Undermine Rural Finance and Development

Reviewing intervention strategies for the provision of credit to the poor

Informal Rural Finance: An Aladdin's Lamp of Information

What stereotypes and biases are inherent in the conventional view of informal rural finance?

Law of the Republic of Georgia on Entrepreneurs

Prescribing Guidelines for Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurships in Georgia

Lending to Micro Enterprises Through NGOs in The Philippines

How has lending to microenterprises through semi-formal institutions fared in the Philippines?

Mapping and Manipulation of Traders in Sri Lanka

Mapping the context of shopkeeper and merchant credit lenders in rural Sri Lanka

Moneylenders and Merchant Bankers in India and Indonesia

What is the historical context of money lending in India and Indonesia?

Moneylending and Modern Times: Informal Credit in Thailand

How has economic development affected informal finance?

ROSCA and ASCRA: Beyond the Financial Landscape

How have ROSCAs and ASCRAs evolved in Africa?