All Publications

Showing 6081 - 6090 of 9051
Guide / Toolkit

RTS Risk Management Guide

Combining technical and operational mechanisms to mitigate security breach in value chain
Case Study

Small Farmers in Mozambique Access Credit and Markets by Forming Associations with Assistance from CLUSA

A successful agricultural microfinance intervention in Mozambique

Stored Value Cards as a Method of Electronic Payment for Unbanked Consumers

How effectively do stored value cards replace conventional deposit accounts?

The Influence of Microfinance on the Education Decisions of Rural Households: Evidence from Bolivia

Can microfinance change the mind-set about education?

This is Development: Bolivia

How did leadership infuse a new life in the coffee trading business in Bolivia?

Uganda: Demonstrating Patience

Vanilla farming in Uganda

Working With Savings & Credit Cooperatives

What do donors need to remember in promoting savings and credit cooperatives?

AML/CFT Regulation: Implications for Financial Service Providers that Serve Low-Income People

Examining implications of the AML/CFT regulations

Background Paper on Microfinance Policy and Strategy

How to develop an effective policy and strategy for microfinance in Indonesia