All Publications

Showing 7241 - 7250 of 9043

Collateral Substitutes in Microfnance

Is enforcement the main problem in credit provision?

Developing the Policy and Regulatory Architecture for Microfinance in the Philippines

What are the features of the policy and regulatory environment for microfinance in the Philippines?

Disclosure Guidelines for Financial Reporting by Microfinance Institutions

What are the guidelines in preparing audited or unaudited financial statements?
Case Study

Donor Collaboration and Transparency: Standardized Donor Reporting in Uganda

How to create a joint reporting format at the national level?
Case Study

Donors as Silent Partners in MFI Product Development: MicroSave-Africa and the Equity Building Society in Kenya

Can donor support help MFIs in product development?
Guide / Toolkit

Eight Questions About the Relationship Between Finance and Economic Development

Relationship between financial development and economic growth

Identifying Targeting with Nonparametric Methods: An Application to an Indian Microfinance Program

Do most poverty alleviation programs exclude the poorest in the community?

Improving Cost-effectiveness of Exploratory Practitioner-led Research: Key Factors to Consider when Selecting Tools

Process-centered approach for a cost effective research

Law of Kyrgyz Republic on the "Bank and Banking Activities in the Kyrgyz Republic" (Part 1)

Law regulating banks and banking activities in the Kyrgyz Republic