All Publications

Showing 2171 - 2180 of 9041

Making Health Microinsurance Work: Ten Recommendations for Practitioners

Designing efficient health microinsurance services

Microfinance Barometer 2014

Examining microfinance trends around the world
Guide / Toolkit

Oral Information Management Tools: Lighting the Path to Financial Inclusion

Designing products to increase access to financial services among illiterate people

Practical Issues in Local Saving Mobilization by MFIs

Highlighting issues encountered by Ethiopian MFIs attempting to mobilize savings
Case Study

Solutions to Finance the Development of Family Farming: Collaboration’s Between Farmer’s Organizations and Rural Finance Institutions

Providing recommendations for improving access to finance for family farms
Guide / Toolkit

The Green Index: An Innovative Tool to Assess the Environmental Performance of MFIs

Examining environmental engagement of an MFI

The SmartAid Index: How Effective Are You in Advancing Financial Inclusion

Discussing the utility of the SmartAid Index
Case Study

Water and Microfinance: The Case of U-IMCEC in Senegal

Discussing a financial product adapted to serve irrigation needs
Case Study

AMK Cambodia: Using Client Data to Inform the Strategy

Social performance management case study on monitoring progress toward social goals