All Publications

Showing 8821 - 8830 of 9041

Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance Institutions: Stabilizing a New Financial Market

Developing rules and tools for effective management and control of MFIs

Remittances, Income Distribution, and Rural Asset Accumulation

Do remmitances have a positive effect on land and capital accumulation?
Case Study

The Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee's Credit Programs: Performance and Sustainability

An evaluation of Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee's credit programs

Federal Negarit Gazeta of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

What are the guiding principles of microfinance laws in Ethiopia?

Qualitative Impact Study of Credit with Education in Burkina Faso

Studying the impact of the credit with education program in Burkina Faso

Bangladesh - Rural Finance

Proposing a rural financial market reform strategy that integrates formal and informal sectors

CCIC Learning Circle on Micro-Enterprise Development Report on the Second Workshop

Proceedings from CCIC Learning Circle's Second Workshop Report on Microenterprise Development

Overview of the Studies on the Impact of Microenterprise Credit

Identifying beneficiaries and impact of microenterprise credit services

Republic of Armenia Law on Banks and Banking

What are the provisions of the law that governs banks and banking activities in Armenia?