All Publications

Showing 8051 - 8060 of 9042

Savings and Asset Accumulation in IDAs (ADD Report 2001)

Do Individual Development Accounts work?

Securing Small Loans: The Transaction Costs of Taking Collateral

How can traditional collateralisation be made more efficient?

Technical Assistance to the Republic of the Philippines for Preparing the Microfinance for Rural Development Project

The role of the Asian Development bank in providing microfinance services in the Philippines
Guide / Toolkit

A Proposed Performance and Accountability Framework for Community Development Finance in the UK

CDFIs still have along way to go in terms of performance and accountability

Access to Credit and Its Impact on Welfare in Malawi 2001, Other USAID Supported Study

Do households who participate in credit programmes improve their living conditions?

Agricultural Development Bank Reform

Should agricultural development banks be ignored, closed or reformed?

An Empirical Analysis of Microfinance: Who are the Clients?

How does self-selection into a lending program affect the estimation of impact?
Guide / Toolkit

An Operational Tool for Evaluating Poverty Outreach of Development Policies and Projects

Examining tool that offers an objective and effective method for poverty evaluation