All Publications

Showing 6991 - 7000 of 9043

Global Development Finance: Harnessing Cyclical Gains for Development

What are the risks and directions of capital and debt flows?

Group-based Funeral Insurance in Ethiopia and Tanzania

Understanding indigenous institutions providing funeral insurance and their scalability
Case Study

GTZ Microfinance Operations, An Update

Studying approach of GTZ towards access to financial services
Guide / Toolkit

Guarantee Funds for Small Enterprises

A manual for guarantee fund managers
Guide / Toolkit

Housing Microfinance: A Guide to Practice

Understanding concepts and issues in housing microfinance

Identifying Business Opportunities for SHGs

Participatory Skill Resource and Market Mapping: Help Self-Help Groups identify economic enterprises

Immigrants and Financial Services: Literacy, Difficulty of Access, Needs and Solutions - The Spanish Experience

How are Spanish banks reacting to the demand for financial services from immigrant populations?

Immigrants and Financial Services: Literacy, Difficulty of Access, Needs and Solutions - The UK Experience

Is the financial services' market in Britain ignoring the immigrants?