All Publications

Showing 4821 - 4830 of 9051

Capacity Building: Needs and Challenges in India

Highlighting new challenges that Indian MFIs need to address
Case Study

Catastrophes, Migration and Life in the Diaspora

Presenting major activities of Munich Re Foundation in 2007

Challenges of Introducing Individual Lending in India

Need to contextualize lessons while graduating from group lending to individual lending

Chemen Lavi Miyo Midterm Evaluation - Summary of Results

Examining outcomes and project implementation from members'’ perspective

Closing the Gap: Reaching the Missing Middle and Rural Poor through Value Chain Finance

Applying innovative value chain financing approaches to serve small and medium enterprises

Combined Microfinance: Selected Research Questions from a Stakeholder Point of View

Understanding the relevance of combined microfinance schemes

Consumer Credits for the Poor - Risk or Opportunity?

Should MFIs offer consumer lending?

Corporate Governance in Microfinance: Credit Unions

This paper suggests mechanisms to help credit unions improve governance

Corruption and Financial Crime –- an Issue in Microfinance?

Addressing investor concerns on corruption and money laundering in MFIs

Cost and Benefits of Market Research for Product Development

Do market research costs outweigh its benefits for MFIs?