All Publications

Showing 1991 - 2000 of 9041

ILO's Impact Insurance Facility Annual Report 2014

Lessons learned on how to achieve high quality insurance at scale

Investment and Investment Finance in Europe: Investing in Competitiveness

Analyzing the investment finance scenario in Europe
Case Study

Loan Protection for Maize Farmers in Burkina Faso

Assessing the efficiency of a maize loan protection insurance product developed by Allianz

Making Public-Private Partnerships Work in Insurance

Designing efficient public-private partnerships in the insurance sector

Microfinance Geographical Index India Mar 2015

Guide / Toolkit

Pricing for Microinsurance: A Technical Guide

Discussing general pricing elements of microinsurance products

Promoting Social Inclusion of the Extreme Poor at Scale: Evidence from Developing Countries

Alleviating extreme poverty through social inclusion programs
Case Study

Quality of Delivery Study

Evaluating the performance of different types of savings groups in Western Kenya

Remittances and Macroeconomic Volatility in African Countries

Understanding the impact of remittance inflows on consumption and output volatility