All Publications

Showing 8531 - 8540 of 9043

Reforming Poverty Alleviation Policies

How can researchers appreciate the condition of poverty?

SME Cluster and Network Development in Developing Countries: The Experience of UNIDO

Building up clusters to empower small and medium enterprises: A study

The Impact of Microfinance Services: Increasing Income or Reducing Poverty?

Income: What weighs more - the level or the usage?

The Poor and Their Money: What Have We Learned?

Can the donor community still play an effective role in supporting microfinance institutions?

CGAP's Pilot Microfinance Capacity-building Initiative in Africa: What Have We Learned?

Analyzing the rationale, objectives, costs and results of the Pilot Initiative

Financial Sector Regulation: The Lessons of the Asian Crisis

What are the links between financial instability and economic slumps?
Case Study

Reforming Credit Unions in Honduras

USAID's efforts to strengthen credit unions in Honduras

The Role of Microfinance for Income and Consumption Smoothing

Can Microfinance help smoothen cashflows for households?
Case Study

A French Position

How has French Aid helped enhance the profile of microfinance?

Apex Microfinance Institutions: A Review of Their Record

Examining the resaons why apex organizations have performed disappointingly