All Publications

Showing 8481 - 8490 of 9043

Credit Crunch! Credit Crunch! Credit Crunch?

Should banks in the Philippines loosen their lending policy to overcome the credit crunch?
Case Study

From Informal to Formal Finance: The Transformation of an Indigenous Institution in Nepal

What are the benefits for RoSCAs in becoming financial companies?

Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance Institutions in South Africa

What are the issues in developing effective regulatory and supervisory frameworks for microfinance?

Reviving Postal Savings Banks in East Africa

Can networks of postal savings banks improve financial intermediation in rural and low income areas?

Appraisal Document for Microstart Mongolia

Analyzing the progress of MicroStart Mongolia

Credit for Poor and Low-income Entrepreneurs in Urban and Rural Northern Thailand

Proceedings from the "Inter-University Seminar on Social Development" June 16-18, 1999

Credit Scoring and Loan Scoring: Tools for Improved Management of Federal Credit Programs

Examining whether credit and loan scores are of benefit to lenders

Housing Policy, Strategy and Recent Developments in Market-based Housing Finance

Should the government provide housing to all citizens?