All Publications

Showing 7511 - 7520 of 9050
Case Study

Taking Banking Services to the People: Equities Mobile Banking Unit

Equity's mobile banking unit: A success story
Case Study

The Agricultural Bank of Mongolia: From Insolvent State Bank to Thriving Private Bank

Can ailing banks be turned around - A case study from Mongolia
Case Study

The Bolivian Experience of the Prodem Private Financial Fund S.A.

Technology facilitates the delivery of microfinance

The Business Case for Microfinance Investment

Formula for the success of Microfinance
Case Study

The Challenge of Sustainable Outreach: How can Public Banks Contribute to Outreach in Rural Areas? Five Case Studies from Asia

Evaluating the challenges in outreach faced by rural finance practitioners

The Feedback Loop: Responding to Client Needs

How to implement the feedback loop

The Growth of Commercial Microfinance Opportunities in Eastern Europe and the New Independent States

What impeded the growth of microfinance in Eastern Europe and the New Independent States?

The Implications of WTO and GATS for the Banking Sector in Africa

What is the likely impactsof global trade and services regulation on the banking industry in Africa?