All Publications

Showing 7441 - 7450 of 9050
Guide / Toolkit

Leasing for Small and Micro Enterprises: A Guide for Designing and Managing Leasing Schemes in Developing Countries

How can microfinance institutions make the necessary adjustments for leasing?

Legal and Regulatory Requirements for Effective Rural Financial Markets

How to design legal systems to address an unstructured rural market?
Case Study

Lending Technologies, Competition, and Consolidation in the Market for Microfinance in Bolivia

How do credit market structure and loan contract terms affect borrower welfare?
Guide / Toolkit

Making Markets Work for the Poor: Challenges to SIDA's Support to Private Sector Development

Private sector development: Instrument for poverty reduction

Management Information Systems (MIS) for Microfinance

A look at the growing importance of information and communication technology in microfinance

Managing Client Information: Feedback Loop Lessons from Latin America

How can market-led microfinance be institutionalized at the microfinance organization level?

Manual of Regulations for Banks

Manual on the regulatory issuances of the Bangko Sentral NG Pilipinas

Microcredit for Small Businesses and Business Creation : Bridging a Market Gap

Is micro credit relevant for promoting entrepreneurship at the bottom?

Microenterprise Support Within Community Development Financial Institutions

Lenders to micro entrepreneurs