All Publications

Showing 6891 - 6900 of 9051

Market Research and Client-Responsive Product Development

How can market research help in responding to the needs of microfinance clients?

Promoting Client-focused Organization: Partner's Exit Monitoring System

Developing an exit monitoring system

Review of Poverty Assessment Tools

Developing low-cost, objective, and quantitative poverty assessment methods
Guide / Toolkit

Technical Guidelines: Microfinance Against Child Labour

Is microfinance a suitable tool for the elimination of child labour?

The Determinants of Financing Obstacles

How does one distinguish between financially constrained and unconstrained firms?

Update on Donor Actions Taken

This paper offers examples of follow-up actions taken by donors to improve their effectiveness

WSBI Access to Finance Resolution

What does the World Savings Bank Institute's resolution for financial sector development state?

2003 Amendment to the Microenterprise for Self-Reliance Act

Amendments to two acts to increase assistance for poor people through microenterprise development

2004 Annual Review - Small Business Activities

Small and medium enterprise development: IFC's initiatives for bottom up growth