All Publications

Showing 6471 - 6480 of 9052

Mutual Savings and Ex-Ante Payments: Group Formation in Informal Insurance Arrangements

Can savings and insurance be combined to increase the benefits of informal insurance?
Case Study

Natural Resource Management - An Option of Livelihood Promotion

Sagar Club - A successful adivasi Self Help Group in India

Nepal: National Microfinance Policy, 2005

National Microfinance Policy, 2005 formulated and enacted by the Government of Nepal

Note on Assessment and Improvement of Tool Accuracy

How can the accuracy of poverty assessment tools be improved?

Notification for Establishing a Commercial Bank

How can a company establish a commercial bank in Thailand?

Obtaining Credit through a Joint Account

One step forward: Self help group - Bank linkage

Pakistan Microfinance Country Profile

Microfinance in Pakistan: How has regulation played a facilitating role?

Panorama of the Luxembourg Microfinance Investment Fund Sector

How can Luxembourg be made an attractive domicile for microfinance investment funds?

Pathways Out of and Into Poverty in 36 Villages of Andhra Pradesh, India

A search for the most effective methods to measure poverty