All Publications

Showing 6281 - 6290 of 9053

Bangladesh: BRPD Circular No. 5, April 9, 2005: Master Circular - Single Borrower Exposure Limit

Circular issued by Bangladesh Bank to improve credit risk management of Scheduled banks

Bangladesh: Prudential Regulations for Banks: Selected Issues

Regulations governing banks in Bangladesh
Case Study

Bank of Africa and Mutual Guarantee Associations in Madgascar - Analysis and Recommendations

Assessing the performance of Bank of Africa's approach to rural finance

Banking on the Poor: Saving and Lending Groups for the Poor

The Banking on the Poor model - Aiming to reach the poorest of the poor

Big Plan for Small Sums

Discussing reforms to strengthen the microfinance sector in Uganda

Breaking Down the Value Chain (Outsourcing Micro-Credit Operations)

Partnership model: Overcoming constraints for banks and institutions engaged in microfinance

Breaking the Savings Barrier: How the Federal Government Can Build an Inclusive Financial System

Setting up guidelines for US policy makers to support inclusive financial systems

Brief Report on Microfinance's Present State in the World

A look at the growth of microfinance in the world

Building Financial Systems for the Poor

CGAP's initiatives to address micro finance stakeholders' needs creating stronger financial systems

Building Inclusive Financial Sectors: Why Are So Many Bankable People Unbanked?

United Nation's approach towards building inclusive financial sectors