All Publications

Showing 6271 - 6280 of 9053

Amendments to Georgian Civil Code February 2005

What are the provisions for the re-registration of microfinance organizations in Georgia?

An Approach Paper for the Delivery of Comprehensive Financial Services to the Informal and Unorganised Sector

A Study: Facilitative infrastructure for the growth of the unorganized sector in India

An Assessment of Community-Based Health Financing Activities in Uganda

Exploring the efficacy of community health financing in Uganda

An Overview of Microfinance Linkages in Indonesia

A descriptive mapping of different linkage models existing in Indonesia
Guide / Toolkit

Assessing the Outcomes of Financial Education (Working Paper #3)

How to assess the outcomes and impacts of financial education programs?

Asset-Building Among the Poor: Effective Strategies in the US and Developing World Markets

Proceedings from "Eradicating Poverty through Profit: Making Business Work for the Poor", 2004
Case Study

Banco Do Nordeste

Key success factors in a bank's microfinance program
Case Study

Banco Solidario, S.A. - Recovery Strategy 2000-2004

How did BancoSol resurrect itself?