All Publications

Showing 6241 - 6250 of 9053

Efforts to Mitigate the Impact of AIDS on Clients, Households and Enterprises

How can microfinance help HIV/AIDS infected communities?

Great Expectations: Microfinance and Poverty Reduction in Asia and Latin America

Do the microfinance institutions really reach the 'core poor?'

Maximizing Aid Effectiveness in Microfinance

Identifying core elements to improve the effectiveness of donor support to microfinance

Microfinance in Action: The Philippine Experience

Lessons from the implementation of microfinance programs in the Philippines

Microfinance Investment Funds - Key Features

Drawing parallels between development of MFIs and microfinance investment funds

Microfinance Role in Post Conflict and Crisis Situations

Microcredit and group formation in conflict-affected areas for financial and social empowerment
Case Study

Opening Markets through Strategic Partnerships: An Analysis of the Alliance between FIE and Pro Mujer

Are strategic partnerships sustainable in microfinance?
Guide / Toolkit

Opening Opportunities, Building Ownership: Fulfilling the Promise of Microenterprise in the United States

Exploring the ways in which networking can be supported by micro-enterprise assistance programs