All Publications

Showing 6201 - 6210 of 9053

An Inter-Country Survey of the Relative Costs of Bank Accounts

How does South Africa fare in the area of transactional banking?

Banking with Sentiments: A Model of Fiduciary Interactions in Micro-Credit Programs

Reasons for the success of microfinance programs
Guide / Toolkit

Crafting A Money Transfers Strategy: Guidance For Pro-Poor Financial Service Providers (Occasional Paper No. 10)

The operational and strategic considerations involved in launching a money transfer product

Designing a Microfinance Development Strategy as Part of Economic Recovery & Employment Promotion in Post-Tsunami Aceh

Repairing the damage in Indonesia - a role for microfinance

Drop-out From Individual Development Accounts: Prediction and Prevention

How can drop-outs be reduced?

Expanding Access to Financial Services - Where do we go from here?

How can India broaden the access of financial services to the poor?
Case Study

Experienced Consortium Deepens Bulgarian Financial System by Creating ProCredit Bank, a Commercial Bank for Microenterprises

Learning from the experience of creating ProCredit Bank Bulgaria

Final Report of the Workshop on Microfinance Promotion in Post-Tsunami Period

Proceedings from the"Microfinance Promotion in Post-Tsunami Period”" Workshop, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Case Study

Financing Microfinance: the ICICI Bank Partnership Model

Analyzing the partnership model of financing MFIs

HIV/AIDS and Microfinance Systems Fact Sheet

How can German Development Cooperation contribute to an effective response to HIV/AIDS?