All Publications

Showing 481 - 490 of 9043

Delivering Financial Health Globally: A Collection of Insights, Approaches and Recommendations

This white paper aims to create a baseline from various discussions on financial health and builds an evidence base from the work done by institutions and individuals globally.

Guide / Toolkit

Digital Financial Literacy Toolkit

This toolkit aims to provide practical guidance to AFI members and policymakers on formulating and implementing digital financial literacy strategies and interventions.


Financial Diaries: Financial Health of Low and Medium-Income Households During COVID-19 Pandemic

In order to understand how low and moderate income people were doing during the COVID-19 pandemic, BRAC Microfinance conducted financial diaries research with 273 households from different earning categories.


Global Microfinance Recovery Continues, Especially in Africa, but Pandemic’s Long-term Impact Remains Uncertain

Microfinance institutions (MFIs) are starting to recover, particularly in Africa, and some have managed the crisis better than expected so far. However, the recovery remains fragile.


Harnessing Digitization for Remittances in Asia and the Pacific

This report discusses the importance of remittances in Asia and the Pacific, the key challenges faced by the industry, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Guide / Toolkit

Inclusive Digital Economies and Gender Equality Playbook


Microfinance Clients Facing the COVID-19 Crisis: From Findings to Action for MFIs

This publication presents the main results of MFI client surveys in seven countries (Bhutan, Myanmar, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Cape Verde and El Salvador), as well as the concrete measures taken by MFIs to meet the needs expressed by their clients.


No Easy Solution: A Smorgasbord of Factors Drive Remittance Costs

This paper delves deeply into the complex remittances ecosystem where costs are driven by a myriad of factors, making it difficult to come up with solutions for reducing remittance costs.


Normative Constraints to Women’s Financial Inclusion: What We Know and What We Need to Know

This paper brings together the evidence of what is known on norms and financial inclusion and uses cases to demonstrate aspects of and approaches to addressing discriminatory norms throughout the financial system.