All Publications

Showing 411 - 420 of 9043
Guide / Toolkit

Mobile Internet Skills Training Toolkit

This Toolkit offers a set of free resources to teach people the basic skills they need to access and use mobile internet consisting of short lessons available in PDF and video format.


Mobile Money and Consumer Financial Health

This paper explores key risks to consumer financial health relating particularly to low-to-middle-income countries where mobile money is most prevalent, and how the industry stakeholders are addressing these through best practice examples.


Platform-Based Business Models and Financial Inclusion

This paper assesses how platform-based business models can affect financial inclusion, competition, financial stability and consumer protection.

Case Study

TymeBank Case Study: The Customer Impact of Inclusive Digital Banking

The aim of this research is to shed light on the potential of digital banks to deepen financial inclusion in a way that improves the lives of low-income customers.


Digital Financial Services in Nigeria: State of the Market Report 2021

This publication aims to challenge stakeholder's thinking about financial products and services, and stimulate new approaches to addressing the gaps in financial services.


A Market Study on the Adoption of Digital Financial Services in Jordan

The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of consumers' appetite for and usage of digital financial services and their financial behavior in light of the rapid development of Jordan's digital financial services.


Better Practice Guidance on Women’s Digital Financial Capability

This document outlines four steps to work through when designing approaches to women’s digital financial capability: Diagnose, Design, Deliver, and Document.


Beyond Wage Digitization: Financial Capability and Economic Empowerment of Cambodian Women Migrant Workers

Findings from a survey of 2,781 participants providing an analysis of the levels of financial awareness, financial behaviors, and economic empowerment of women factory workers in Cambodia.


Challenges and Risk of Microfinance Sustainability Amid COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis


Finance in Displacement: Joint Lessons Report

This study brings to light the challenges forcibly displaced persons face in accessing economic opportunities and puts forth a financial health framework for measuring progress against these challenges.