All Publications

Showing 241 - 250 of 9043

Migrant Financial Resilience: Where Are We in Preparing the Building Blocks?

This paper details the existing ecosystem of providing social protection services, including contributory insurance and pensions for the migrant communities.


Migrant Insurance and Pension: Gazing Through the Future

This paper explores the possibilities of leveraging the potential of migrant insurance and pensions that can contribute to their comprehensive financial resilience.


Scaling the Next Frontiers in Migrant Money: The Case for Insurance and Pensions

This paper details the demand levels, the ecosystem and the institutional factors that need to be explored to realize the potential of insurance and pensions, contributing to financial resilience of migrants worldwide.


Steven Duchatelle, CEO of Advans Group, on His Company's Digital Transformation

This podcast shares Advans' experience of digital transformation, how it drives efficiency and customer outreach, along with potential obstacles to such transformation and the impact on Advans' social mission.


Will Central Bank Digital Currencies Be a Game-Changer for Financial Inclusion?

Are central bank digital currencies really the game-changer for financial inclusion that many claim? And how are central banks thinking about designing CBDCs to ensure that they achieve their goals?


Assessing the State of Youth Financial Inclusion in Developing Contexts

This guide draws primarily from the lessons learned during the realization of a series of assessments on the state of youth financial inclusion in Uganda, Kenya, and Guatemala in 2019 and 2020.

Slide Deck

CGAP Strengthening Climate Resilience & Adaptation Through Financial Services

This slide deck presents the findings of desk research on climate-responsive and climate-supportive financial products that currently exist in the global market.

Guide / Toolkit

Check Your Bias! A Field Guide for Lenders

This practical field guide walks executives and data scientists through recommendations for ensuring that revised and new credit scoring methods are not unintentionally excluding women or any other underrepresented group.

Guide / Toolkit

Digital Finance Campaign Replication Guide

This Replication Guide shares an overview of a proven, evidence-based solution to a specific development challenge, and then provides steps on how to replicate it with a goal to increase the digital financial capabilities and decision-making skills of women.


Digital Financial Literacy via E-commerce: Implications for Bangladesh, Especially for Women in Business

This paper explores and evaluates the best ways to reach the less digitally and financially literate segments of the community in Bangladesh, especially women, to ensure that ultimately no one is left behind.