All Publications

Showing 8671 - 8680 of 9041
Guide / Toolkit

Business Planning Guide for Microfinance Institutions in Uganda

Emphasizing the role of business plans for MFIs
Case Study

Final Evaluation of the Microenterprise Development Activity

Innovative community based village banks to promote microenterprises

Financial Cooperatives: A "Market Solution" to SME and Rural Financing

Can financial cooperatives resolve the credit problems of small and medium sized enterprises?
Guide / Toolkit

Management Information Systems for Microfinance Institutions: A Handbook

Developing and implementing MIS in MFIs

A Framework for World Bank Group Support for Development of Micro, Small Enterprise, and Rural Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa

Strategies to increase access to financial services to small enterprises and low income households

Agricultural Finance Revisited: Why?

The challenges in evolving rural financial systems to meet the needs of the agricultural sector

Agricultural Finance: Getting the Policies Right

What issues should be considered in formulating rural finance policies?
Case Study

Building Social Capital from the Centre: A Village-Level Investigation of Bangladesh's Grameen Bank

Analyzing whether weekly meetings help in building social capital in the community

Cooperative Law of Mongolia

Law to determine the legal basis for the structure and activities of cooperatives

Credit Guarantees: An Assessment of the State of Knowledge and New Avenues of Research

Can innovative approaches solve the debate about credit guarantees?