All Publications

Showing 3171 - 3180 of 9045

Remittance Needs and Opportunities in India

Improving remittance services for low-income clients in India

Symbiotics 2011 MIV Survey Report

Analyzing trends in the growth of microfinance investment vehicles
Case Study

Turning Interest into Savings

Testing a debt-to-savings product in India

2010 Statistical Report

Presenting statistical data on the global outreach of credit unions

A Survey of 405 MFIs Reporting to MIX in 2009-2010

Examining the progress of MFIs on social performance management

Branchless Banking Update: Should We Bank on Phones or The Post?

Examining the role of the post office in financial inclusion

Convenience Reconsidered: Some Findings on Formal vs. Informal Financial Services from the Financial Diaries

Examining the convenience factor of a branchless banking innovation in Malawi

Discovering Limits: Global Microfinance Valuation Survey 2011

Presenting microfinance equity valuations