All Publications

Showing 1801 - 1810 of 9042

Microfinance Control Fraud: Poverty and Profiteering in Latin America

Investigating vulnerabilities to fraud in microfinance

National Financial Inclusion Strategies Current State of Practice

An overview of the practices different countries have adopted and highlight of recent developments

New Trends in Agricultural Finance

Summary of research studies on five key areas of agricultural finance innovation

Report on the G20 Survey in De-risking Activities in the Remittance Market

Analyzing the main drivers of de-risking and its impact for money transfer operators
Guide / Toolkit

Social Performance Indicators Tool (SPI4)

Assessment tool for MFIs on the Universal Standards for Social Performance Management

Swadhaar, Accion, and Airtel Money: Mobile Money for Female Customers in India

Can MFIs and mobile network operators work together to help clients benefit from mobile money?

The Bharat Microfinance Report 2015

Primary data and in-depth analysis of the microfinance sector in India

Voice of the Client: An Analysis of Client Satisfaction and Consumer Protection Across Four MFIs in India

Areas of strength and areas in need of further investigation