All Publications

Showing 6571 - 6580 of 9045

The Ultimate Balancing Act: Investor Confidence and Regulatory Considerations for Microfinance

How can regulators build investor confidence in microfinance?

Toward a Complete Progress Tracking System

A management information system to track financial, institutional and social objectives achievements

Towards A National Strategy for Microfinance in Egypt

A comprehensive microfinance strategy to increase outreach and diversity of microfinance products

Towards Safety and Self-reliance: Community Finance and Public Trust in Rural Cambodia

Presenting good practices that meet the savings and trust needs of poor rural households

Township-Based Microlenders: A Profile

Understanding the role of township-based microlenders in the South African financial markets

Tracking Client Performance: Monitoring Systems for Social Performance Management

A cost effective way for MFIs to meet their social goals

Transitions to Private Capital: Regulatory Challenges to Private Sector Investment

Removing regulatory blocks for investment in microfinance

Turkey: Banks Act

An act to guide the operations of banks in Turkey