All Publications

Showing 8001 - 8010 of 9035

Linking Microfinance and Safety Net Programs to Include the Poorest: The Case of IGVGD in Bangladesh

How can microfinance reach the very poor?

Microenterprise: How Can We Serve Hundreds of Thousands of Low-Income People Annually?

Moving microenterprises from start-up phase to reaching scale

Microfinance as a Nexus of Incentives

Can incentive problems undermine the successful provision of financial services?
Case Study

Raising Capital Through Equity Investments in MFIs: Lessons From ACLEDA, Cambodia

What are the issues in equity investment in microfinance?

Replicating Microfinance in the United States: Opportunities and Challenges

Examining opportunities and challenges of microfinance in the United States
Case Study

Savings Mobilisation to Microfinance: A Historical Perspective on the Zimbabwe Savings Development Movement

Why did the Self-Help Development Foundation shift from savings mobilization to microcredit?
Case Study

Sri Lanka Energy Services Delivery Project Credit Programme: A Case Study

Innovative features and progress of the ESD Credit programme

Strategic Linkages and Competitive Advantage: Action Research on Small Enterprise Networks in India

Networking: small enterprises, big advantages

A Poverty Assessment of the Small Enterprise Foundation on Behalf of CGAP

Evaluating a poverty targetted program in Northern Province, South Africa