All Publications

Showing 251 - 260 of 469

Guidance Note for Action: Supporting SMEs to Ensure the Economic COVID-19 Recovery is Gender-Responsive and Inclusive

This Note shows how the barriers women entrepreneurs already face in starting and retaining a business are likely to increase in the aftermath of COVID-19.


Learning to Navigate a New Financial Technology: Evidence From Payroll Accounts

How do inexperienced consumers learn to use a new financial technology? 


Non-Financial Services: The Key to Unlocking the Growth Potential of Women-Led Small and Medium Enterprises for Banks

This study examines the benefits to banks of integrating non-financial services that can help mitigate barriers facing women-led enterprises into a women-focused SME banking proposition.

Guide / Toolkit

USAID Digital Payments Toolkit 2020

This Toolkit is designed to be used by organizations regardless of their experience with digital payments and to inspire and enable organizations new to digital payments to make the switch.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Changing the Financial Sector

This factsheet shares the German government's AI approach, which stipulates that the potential of AI should be harnessed for development and contribute to achieving the sustainability goals of the 2030 Agenda.


Benchmarks on Digitalisation

What digital products & channels are financial institutions offering?
Slide Deck

Designing Data Initiatives to Advance Financial Inclusion

This online tool is meant for donors and development finance institutions to leverage the potential of data to achieve financial inclusion impact.


Digital Payment Transactions

This factsheet argues for the need of active design and cooperation for inclusive payment transactions and makes related recommendations for stakeholders in international development cooperation.


Encouraging Effective & Inclusive Savings

Lessons and best practices from the European Microfinance Award 2020