All Publications

Showing 6021 - 6030 of 9051

A Financial System for India's Poor

How can India build a more inclusive financial system?

A Win-Win for Exchanging Tools and Ideas: South Africa

How do win-win relationships aid in market development?

Breaking Through Barriers to Growth: Expanding the Scope and Scale of Credit with Education in Two Regions - Mid-term Evaluation

Evaluating an integrated microfinance and life-skills program

Bridging the Finance Gap: ACCION's Experience with Guarantee Funds for Microfinance Institutions

ACCION Guarantee Funds: Attracting commercial capital to microfinance

Collateral and Risk Sharing in Group Lending: Evidence from an Urban Microcredit Program

Analyzing the role of collaterals in urban microcredit programs
Case Study

Do Interest Rates Matter? Credit Demand in the Dhaka Slums

Are poor borrowers insensitive to interest rate increases?
Case Study

Entrepreneurship and Rural Women: Capacity-building for Market Reach and Poverty Alleviation in a Remote Region of Western India

Proceeds from "4th International Conference on Entrepreneurship Employment and Beyond", 2005

Equity & Leverage in Indian MFIs

Is there a need for an "Equity Fund" to stimulate the growth of microfinance in India?

Expanding Financial Services to Underbanked Consumers: How Tax Preparation Partnerships Can Help Bridge the Gap

Using income tax preparation as a marketing strategy to bring financial services to the underbanked
Case Study

Health Microinsurance: A Comparative Study of Three Examples in Bangladesh

Can MFIs effectively provide heath insurance services?