All Publications

Showing 1971 - 1980 of 9041

The Impact of Savings Group on Children’s Wellbeing: A Review of the Literature

Reviewing community-based saving group programs focused on benefiting children

The Little Data Book on Financial Inclusion 2015

Providing data on access to financial institutions and financial markets in 143 economies
Case Study

AfriCap Governance

Understanding the role of governance to monitor and asses Africap's performance
Guide / Toolkit

Alternative Delivery Channels and Technology

Developing accessible channels to increase the outreach of financial service providers

Behavioural Economics and User Centred Design: Opening up New Vistas in Research Processes

Using behavioral research methods to understand customer behavior
Case Study

Credit Life Insurance in Indonesia

Analyzing the effectiveness of financing death related costs through microinsurance

Development Results Focused Research Program: Country Diagnostic - Malawi

Evaluating the use of electronic payments in Malawi

Early Insights from Financial Diaries of Smallholder Farmers

Understanding the financial behavior of smallholder farmers
Guide / Toolkit

Eight Tips for Successfully Marketing to Women

Sharing strategies for marketing financial products to women clients