All Publications
Showing 8341 - 8350 of 9070
Commercial Bank Behaviour in Micro and Small Enterprise Finance
Examining micro and small enterprise financing activities of commercial banks
Gender Impact Assessment in Microfinance and Microenterprise, Why and How
What outcomes should assessors look out for?
Grameen Village Phone: Its Current Status and Future Prospects
Assessing market development outcomes due to the ICT services provided by Grameen Telecom
HIV/AIDS & Economic Strengthening via Microfinance
How does access to credit and savings mitigate HIV/AIDS?
Legal Frameworks and Performance Standards for Microfinance: A Desk Study
Insights from 8 countries in designing legal/regulatory framework for microfinance
Microenterprise and Poverty: Evidence from Latin America
Assesses poverty in the microenterprise sector in Latin America
Microfinance and Culture: A Case Study in Ghana
How can culture be used to improve sustainability?
Microfinance Institutions Growth Activity (MIGA) Activity Design for USAID/Peru
Helping the poor by helping microfinance institutions
Paraguay Vouchers Revisited: Strategies for the Development of Training Markets
Can training schemes prosper in the long term?
Safety Nets and Safety Ropes: Comparing the Dynamic Benefit Incidence of Two Indonesia "JPS" Programs
Who are "safety net" programmes really aimed at?