
Boosting SME Finance for Growth

The case for more effective support policies

This report offers strategic and actionable guidance to policymakers in strengthening their access to finance policies for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It emphasizes the need to improve the enabling environment for SME debt and equity financing. It outlines a roadmap of eight key actions to guide policymakers in achieving this.

While such reforms are necessary, they are often insufficient to fully address SME financing constraints. Targeted financial programs thus remain essential to bridge the financing gaps effectively. The report outlines seven actions to improve the design and implementation of these interventions to maximize their impact and the effective use of public funding. It also underscores the importance of a tailored approach to address the distinct challenges faced by specific SME segments, particularly those of women-owned (and led) SMEs, SMEs in agriculture, SMEs in fragile and conflict-affected states, and those seeking financing for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

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By Ana Fiorella Carvajal, Tatiana Didier