
Finance for All: A Practical Guide to Disability Inclusion for Financial Services Providers in Cambodia

This manual provides guidance for financial services providers to make their products and services accessible for all clients, including those with disabilities. It draws from Good Return's and Chamroeun Microfinance's experience implementing a project to provide responsible, inclusive microfinance for people with disabilities in Cambodia, as well as national and international standards and guidelines. While it provides some information specific to Cambodia, it is designed to be relevant to financial services providers in any country, at any stage on their disability inclusion journey.

The manual initially outlines the case for financial inclusion of people with disabilities, the barriers they face to access financial services, and the importance of an ecosystem approach to overcome these. It then provides specific guidance for implementations by financial services providers, including a three-step process for disability inclusion; considerations for inclusion at each stage of the customer lifecycle; and toolkits for physical accessibility, digital accessibility, inclusive communication and accessible information.

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By Shashaank Awasthi, Alison Thornburn, Paul Surreaux