
2017 Symbiotics MIV Survey: Market Data & Peer Group Analysis

Overview and analysis of market trends in microfinance off-shore investments

The Symbiotics Microfinance Investment Vehicles (MIV) Survey, produced on an annual basis, aims to provide comprehensive market trends and peer group analysis on microfinance off-shore investments. Its primary function is to allow microfinance investors and fund managers to benchmark themselves and improve their knowledge of the industry. It also allows academic researchers and companies to have access to unique historical information about microfinance funds.

The 2017 Survey, in its 11th edition, is based on December 2016 financial and social performance indicators reported by the large majority of active microfinance investment vehicles. Participating MIVs report their data based on the CGAP MIV Disclosure Guidelines (2010) and the Microfinance Investment Vehicles Disclosure Guidelines: Additional Indicators (2015) developed by Symbiotics in collaboration with other microfinance asset managers. The survey offers two levels of analysis and benchmarking:

  1. Key market trends of all MIVs that have participated in this year’s survey.
  2. Peer group analysis based on MIVs’ strategy (Fixed Income Funds; Mixed Funds; Equity Funds).

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