
Building Inclusive Digital Payments Ecosystems: Guidance Note for Governments

Lessons drawn from policy development and implementation initiatives in several countries

This note provides policymakers and other government officials with an overview of the major practical issues to consider when planning the expansion of financial inclusion through the use of digital payments ecosystems. It briefly describes the potential of such ecosystems to advance financial inclusion. It then outlines how to address four key challenges when implementing the principles and policy recommendations of the G20, its implementing partners, and global financial system standard setters. It provides practical solutions that government officials can follow to help structure their approach when facing these common challenges. It is important to note that the payment systems, financial sector development, and financial inclusion issues touched on in this guidance note can be complex and technical so the reference documents are essential guides when developing an inclusive digital payments ecosystem.

This publication has been developed for officials who have an interest in, and responsibility for, the development of an inclusive financial sector, and in particular the use of payments systems to expand financial inclusion.

About this Publication

By Goosen, R.