
Value Chains in Agricultural and Green Microfinance

Key findings from the University Meets Microfinance Workshop

The 11th University Meets Microfinance Workshop explored the role that agricultural and green microfinance can play in the frame of a value chain system. The workshop began with the fundamentals of understanding value chains and how the value chain approach can improve financial inclusion in rural areas and identifying the key actors and the main opportunities and challenges for MFIs. Sessions then further delved into product development, approaches to value chain financing, the role of investors, creating partnerships to benefit micro-entrepreneurs and smallholder farmers, the role of microfinance in meeting green energy demand and risk management.

The workshop gathered more  than  80  participants  from  top  European universities and practitioner organizations, resulting in two  intense  days  of  discussion  on  experiences  and research on agricultural and green microfinance.  The key findings are provided in this document.

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By University Meets Microfinance