
Measurable Goals with Optimal Impact: 2014 Maya Declaration Progress Report

Documenting the advancements made by the members of the Maya Declaration since June 2013
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This report maps the progress made by the Maya Declaration between June 2013 and June 2014. The Maya Declaration, which was launched in 2011, is an international framework for advancing the goal of reaching the world’s 2.5 billion unbanked in order to unlock their full economic and social potential. It aims at contributing to reduced income disparities, inclusive development, and overall national financial stability. It has catalyzed global momentum by championing bottom-up commitments and country-led initiatives for financial inclusion through smart policies with measurable outcomes and optimal impact.

Through the Maya Declaration, Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) members continue to reaffirm the value of peer learning in the design and implementation of innovative financial inclusion policy solutions relevant to developing and emerging countries context. The report highlights various achievements of the Maya Declaration with a focus on the Sasana Accord and the move toward more quantifiable targets. The report covers the following sections in detail:

  • Importance of setting measurable national goals with measurable targets and the policy pillars of the declaration;
  • Highlights of commitments made with a focus on where the commitments are coming from and what AFI member countries are committing to;
  • Regional overview of commitments with a spotlight on the creditable ones from each region;
  • Activities of the AFI with a focus on working group reports, peer reviews, and grants.

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By Alliance for Financial Inclusion