
Integrated Health and Microfinance in India, Volume II

Highlighting the context of integration of health and microfinance in India
This paper highlights the context of integration of health and microfinance in light of India’s journey towards universal health care by 2020, to document best practices in integration, and to highlight potential interventions that can be adopted by microfinance institutions (MFIs) as well as by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that serve self-help groups (SHGs).
The paper also highlights the policy measures in the Indian microfinance sector since 2011, documents best practices towards integrating health and microfinance, and proposes an agenda for moving forward:
  • public health systems and institutions should take a proactive role to strengthen community participation leading to the sustainability of health programs;
  • financial service providers should establish linkages with India’s National Rural Health Management (NRHM) to improve access to health care;
  • championing a research agenda looking at the impact and large scale effectiveness to better understand the factors that affect the work of MFIs and SHGs on health knowledge and behavior with active support from Indian public health policy planners.
This first volume of the report can be found on the Microcredit Summit Campaign website

About this Publication

By Saha, S. , Rao, D.S.K.