
2013 Microfinance Americas: The Top 100

Examining the performance of MFIs in Latin America and the Caribbean
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This report presents an annual ranking of the leading 100 MFIs in Latin America and the Caribbean for the tenth consecutive year.The study compiled and analyzed the performance information published on MIX Market at the end of financial year 2012 and used a compound ranking methodology for the sample of 225 MFIs. From the sample of 225 MFIs, 147 were ranked based on 11 variables under three ‘'pillars,' including outreach, efficiency, and transparency. The results were supported by auditors, government regulators, microfinance networks, and rating agencies. The paper also ranks the top 20 MFIs in terms of following variables:

  • Growth in loans to microenterprises;
  • Market penetration;
  • Growth in consumer loans and retail deposits;
  • Quality of portfolio; and
  • Efficiency and profitability of MFIs.

About this Publication

By Martínez, R.