
Pricing for EM Banking

The importance of designing a relevant pricing scheme for mobile banking in India

This Note discusses customer perceptions of key pricing issues that banks consider while implementing agent-based banking. It discusses pricing when a bank is planning to extend its offerings using alternative channels like agent-based banking in addition to conventional banking channels. It analyzes the outcomes of different ways of pricing new channels.

One of the most debated pricing issues is whether to charge a flat rate irrespective of transaction value, or a percentage of the total transaction value. Conclusions include:

  • There is no one successful pricing scheme in the mobile banking (m-banking) landscape;
  • Pricing schemes can vary from discounted m-banking services to charging customers differently in different channels;
  • Pricing m-banking services can be very challenging in a price sensitive market like India, where traditionally banking services have been offered for free;
  • Method of calculating commission plays an important role in molding customer perceptions and earning revenues for the implementing bank;
  • Pricing schemes should be relevant to the traditional banking context and should take local socio-economic and cultural perspectives and norms into consideration.

About this Publication

By Garg,N.