
Changing Role of Family Networks in Coping with Risk

Can microinsurance fill in the gap left by weakening family support to cope with risk?

This Microinsurance Learning and Knowledge (MILK) Brief examines the importance of family networks, the ways in which recent demographic trends indicate a weakening of these networks, and the emergence of new gaps in risk-coping ability which formal insurance products may be able to fill.Low-income people have traditionally relied on families for managing and coping with risk. Changing family patterns, aging populations in low-income countries, increase in migration, and growth of urban areas have caused family networks to weaken in recent years. Conclusions include:

  • Public alternatives and safety nets are not always available to take the place of family networks in managing risk;
  • Insurance, pensions, social safety nets, composite insurance, and savings products may be useful in filling the gaps left by weaker family networks;
  • Potential for adverse selection and the possibility that riskier populations will be more likely to purchase microinsurance must be kept in mind when thinking about microinsurance's sustainability.

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