
Beyond Payments: Next Generation Mobile Banking for the Masses

Strategic and operational lessons from pilots in emerging markets
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This paper explores the potential of mobile technology in providing low-income consumers with access to a wide range of financial products that go beyond simple mobile payments.

The paper looks at distribution strategies and second generation mobile microfinance products through pilots in West Africa and South-East Asia. It examines two distinct and innovative models, namely, the distribution of microfinance through mobile money through existing microfinance banks, and the distribution of microfinance through a virtual microfinance bank, operating as a pure mobile player.

The report discusses lessons across different aspect of mobile microfinance such as marketing, sales and distribution as well as credit risk management. It states that mobile microfinance:

  • Can have a significant impact on increasing financial services access for unbanked subscribers by eliminating the disadvantages of physical bank branches;
  • Is a cost-effective way for banks and MFIs to reach the masses by capitalizing on the widespread penetration of telecom distribution networks;
  • Will see a new breed of intermediaries emerging that will allow partners on both sides to interact smoothly by playing the interconnection role, making money on transactions rather than the spread.

About this Publication

By Ventura, A., Seck, T., Rung, G. , Singh, P.